
Specialties: Classics, Renaissance/Elizabethan, pop culture, fantasy genre, Jewish-focused, queer-focused.
Modes and methods include new play development, devising, and adaptation (particularly of classical text).
New Play Dramaturgy
New Play Development
"Emma was a delight to work with... She brought passion and a depth of knowledge to her work on Underworld Anthem which, combined with her patience and good humor, really took the play to the next level... I can not recommend her highly enough."
-Alex Ranieri, playwright of Underworld Anthem
Selected Credits
-Presenter, "I Cast Pride: Queer Exploration, Interaction, and Transformation in D&D, In-Game and at the Table”, MLA Convention 2021
-Instructor, Encountering Dionysus, Chicago Dramatists
-Dramaturg, Three Antarcticas (workshop), Chicago Dramatists
-Presenter, "An Adornment for the God: Re-Centering the Queer Body of Dionysus in Euripides' Bacchae", FOOT 2020 (University of Toronto)
-Supporting Dramaturg/Translation Consultant, Oedipus Rex and The Gospel at Colonus, Court Theatre
-Assistant Dramaturg, Polaris: A Tragedy Expansion Pack, presented as part of the Kennedy Center MFA Playwright's Workshop and Kennedy Center New Play Dramaturgy Intensive
-Dramaturg, Medusa, Pop Magic Productions
-Dramaturg, Underworld Anthem, Abaisses Theatre/RhinoFest 2019
-Dramaturg, Love's Labours Lost, Downtown Repertory Theatre