Peter Konerko Photography

Peter Konerko Photography

Stephanie Girard Headshots

Peter Konerko Photography
"...Emma Pauly was very convincing in all different parts she played....Good actors declaim their lines and excellent actors connect with the audience as though they were having a conversation; this cast had both.
- Mad Forest, StageTalk Magazine, July 19th 2018
“Praise goes to the whole cast …for maintaining a high overall quality, not least in remaining committed to the atmosphere of secret feminine powers in all their many avatars, from hilarious to sweet to dangerous and to deeply tragic. But to Vanessa Cate as well as choreographers Melody and Melrose plus translator Pauly goes that extra bit of praise.”
-HEX, Night-Tinted Glasses, October 2016
Production PHotos

Photo by: Craig Fuller

Photo by: Craig Fuller

Photo by: Craig Fuller